I love them.

I love them.
Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Aaaaa! Minions and Agnes!

Hello readers! How are you?

Oh ya, Happy birthday Aisyah Astari C.K. dan Markus Ruci! Semoga panjang umur dan sehat selalu! Amin! Jangan lupa traktirannya ya!

Okay........ Mungkin gue terlambat banget ya buat suka sama Minions dan Agnes. Soalnya gue baru nonton Despicable Me nih hari ini di DVD, mengisi kekosongan hari gue..... Cuileh.

Suer, gue jadi 'addict' banget liat mukanya Agnes dan tingkah bodohnya Minions!! So stupid. Terutama adegan Agnes, "Does this count annoying?"

Or this?

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